Hvordan fungerer skematavlen?

Oprindeligt skrevet på engelsk, bør eventuelle oversættelsesfejl kontrolleres i forhold til den originale atrikle

The schedule board is an overview of all the reservations in a selected period. Here you can see who, when and where guests are coming to your campsite. It is also possible to make reservations from the schedule board. There are many ways to view the schedule board. It is possible to select the things you want to see in the schedule board. This can be special vacations, periods or people who already paid and much more variations. This article explains everything step by step.

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1. Statusvisning
2. Betalingsvisning
3. Accommodation, tag and place filter
4. Adding and removing a blocked period
5. How do I move a reservation in the schedule board?
6. How to make a reservation in the schedule board?
7. Quick search for a special period


1. Statusvisning

In the schedule board you can see the status view and a payment view. In the picture below, you can see in circled red where you can switch between status view and payment view. This paragraph discusses the status view. 


The status view means you can see the status of a reservation. This chapter explains which statuses there are and what the colours on the schedule board mean.


1.1: Status confirmed

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Som du kan se på billedet ovenfor, er reservationer markeret med blåt bekræftede reservationer. 


1.2: Status checked-in

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Som du kan se på billedet ovenfor, er reservationer, der er markeret grønt, reservationer, der er tjekket ind. 


1.3: Status checked-out

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Som du kan se på billedet ovenfor, er reservationer, der er markeret med mørkegrøn, reservationer, der er tjekket ud. 


1.4: Status pending

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Som du kan se på billedet ovenfor, er reservationer, der er markeret lilla, reservationer, der afventer. Så disse mangler stadig at blive bekræftet.


1.5: Status blocked

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Som du kan se på billedet ovenfor, er reservationer, der er markeret lysegrå/stribet, spærrede perioder.


2. Betalingsvisning

It is also possible to see the payment view per reservation in addition to the status view. In the picture below you can see where you can switch between status view and payment view in the schedule board.



2.1: Partly paid

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Som du kan se på billedet ovenfor, er de delvist betalte reservationer markeret med gult.


2.2: Paid

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Som du kan se på billedet ovenfor, er fuldt betalte reservationer markeret med grønt.

2.3 Ulønnet

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Som du kan se på billedet ovenfor, er ubetalte reservationer markeret med rødt.


3. Accommodation, tag and place filter

This paragraph describes how you can filter the schedule board by accommodation type, place and tags.


3.1 Accommodation filter

In the picture below you can see the accommodation filter circled in red. If you want to view only 1 accommodation in the plan board, you can click on this button. You can then select which accommodations you wish to see.




3.2 Tag filter

To filter on a tag you first have to add the tags to certain places. To do this, click on the place number where you want to add a tag. On the picture below, it is circled in red where you can click.


This will take you to the tab below. Here you can add a certain tag to a place under the heading ‘Tags’. On the photo below you can see in the red circled that I now add as example the tag ´At the water ´ to place 2. 




On the picture below, you can see that I have added the tag ´At the water´ in the red circled area at the top, so you will only see place 2. The place where I just added the tag. 



3.3 Place filter

In the picture below you can see the place filter circled in red. With this filter you can filter one specific place. When you click on a place, only the reservations of that specific place will be shown in the schedule board.




4. Adding and removing a blocked period

If you want to block a certain place for a certain period of time, you can add a block from the Plan Board. Use your mouse to select the period you want to block. (See picture below).


Der vises en meddelelse, der spørger, om du ønsker at reservere denne periode eller spærre denne periode. Klik på 'Bloker denne periode'. Billedet nedenfor viser dig, hvordan underretningen ser ud.



Så kan du se på billedet nedenfor, at blokken er sat. For at fjerne denne blok skal du blot klikke på den. Blokken vises derefter automatisk fjerne.




5. How do I move a reservation in the schedule board?

Fra skematavlen er det muligt at flytte reservationer til et andet sted. På denne måde har du nemt overblik over de ledige pladser pr. Nedenfor er forklaret, hvordan du kan flytte en reservation.

Tip: Når du flytter reservationer på nogen måde, skal du altid kontrollere, om datoer og priser er korrekte!


5.1: Move to another date

Nedenfor er en prøvereservation. Disse gæster bliver fra 23-07-2022 til 28-07-2022. Antag, at disse gæster ringer og angiver, at de gerne vil ankomme 2 dage senere og tage af sted 2 dage senere.

You see in the schedule board that 2 days after this reservation is still nothing in the schedule board, and would it be possible to move this reservation for the guest.

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Du griber reservationen med musen og trækker den til den ønskede dato. Billedet nedenfor viser, hvordan du gør dette.


Hvis du frigiver reservationen med musen, åbner systemet automatisk reservationen. Systemet vil også bede om en 'opdateringsvarighed'. Det betyder, at du kan genberegne reservationen og se, om de nye datoer er korrekte. Hvis alle data er korrekte, klik Gemme. Billedet nedenfor viser, hvordan opdateringsvarigheden ser ud.

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5.2: Move to another place

Du kan også flytte en eksisterende reservation til et andet sted i planlægningstavlen ved at klikke på den med musen. Billedet nedenfor viser, hvordan dette fungerer.

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5.3: Extend or shorten a reservation

For at forlænge eller forkorte en reservation tager du fat i siden af reservationen på planlægningstavlen med musen (se billedet nedenfor). Træk den derefter til en anden dato. 


Igen vil systemet bede om en genberegning af reservationen, tjek venligst dette omhyggeligt.



6. How to make a reservation in the schedule board?

For at foretage en reservation fra skematavlen skal du vælge perioden med musen. Dette gøres som vist på billedet nedenfor.



Du vil igen få vist beskeden, der spørger dig, om du vil tilføje en blokering eller foretage en ny reservation. Klik nu på 'Ny reservation' knap.


Efter at have klikket på knappen 'Ny reservation' kommer du til siden, hvor alle detaljer kan indtastes. For at se en detaljeret forklaring af, hvordan du foretager en reservation, klik her. Du vil derefter blive dirigeret til en anden artikel.



7. Quick search for a special period

Below is an image where you can see the top edge of the scheduling board. The calendar circled in red is a button that allows you to quickly jump to another date in the planning board.



In the picture below, you can see what comes up when you move the mouse on this button. Here you can see an example of the period Christmas & New Year. When you click on this period, the planning board will automatically jump to this date.

You can also add holiday periods and other special periods by clicking on ´Add holiday / special period´.

Picture 2


When you click on ´Add holiday / special period´, you will be taken to the page below. Under the heading ´Special dates´ it is possible to enter these dates. Circled in red, you will see a pencil and a bin. With the pencil, you can change this existing period, and with the bin you can delete this period.


The button in purple with the text ´ADD SPECIAL DATE´ can be used to add a new period. On the picture below, you can see how this period can be added. You enter the start and end date in the calendar and give the special period a name. Finally, you press save.

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The picture below shows a calendar circled in red. In this calendar you can click on a date. The schedule board will then jump to this date and show all reservations.





