Application Datev pour

Automate your accountancy with Datev Export


DATEV in a nutshell: tax consultants, lawyers, auditors, small and medium-sizedenterprises, municipalities, and business start-ups who use DATEV software, which meets all high standards regarding reliability, topicality, data protection, and data security.

You may have noticed the green square of the DATEV logo at the airport, in magazines, or on your pay slip, and you wondered what’s behind the green symbol and the company DATEV eG.

After installing the app you will see the next screen:


The datev export format is described on the datev website
In the Header there are different obligations, 2 of them are the beraternummer (11) and mandantennummer (12).

These 2 settings can be done from the settings:

In the next part the export settings are described and these are based on the Datev Format Booking Batch
There are 125 columns available which can used but in our case we only use a view of them and most of them are automatically generated.

General Export information

An important part is the setting of the “Gegenkonto”, this can be setup on a fixed number or it can be dependent on you customer number within

In the example above the Gegenkonto is set to a fixed value of 10000.

Then you can select the belegfeld1 and/or the belegfeld2:
The options are:
– Invoice id (Technical id)
– Invoice number (Your invoice number eg. 20240001)
– Reservation number (Your reservation number eg. 1)
– Place id (Technical Place id)
– Contact Name

Payment information
Your payments will be stored in a special ledger account as “Erhaltene Anzahlungen”. These payments will be stored based on a ledger number in your administration. The creation of a ledgernumber is necesarry and can be found ici.

The ledger will be used in the export in the export “Konto” column for the payments export.

Create Export
The export can be setup using the following screen:

You can select the month you want to export.
We created 2 different type of exports:
– Payments
– Invoices

If you want to use payments stored in the ledger number of a suspense account (Zwischenkonto) you can use this export. The ledger number will be the number as seen in the settings screen above. The ledger is setup as suspense account. All payments which are added later then the invoice finalized date will not be included in the payments export as there is no need to store them on a suspense account

If a invoice is finalized the invoice rows will be exported in the datev Export, all invoice rows with an amount not equal to 0 will be exported.

In the export we do not support to cancel the payment in the suspense account when the invoice is added. We use the datev functions to match the payments and let Datev do the cancellation of the payments in the suspense account. This is done by using the function provided in Datev booking batch. We use the “Auftragsnummer” (95) and the “Buchungstyp” (96) and the “USt-Schlüssel (Anzahlungen)” (97) for the internal mapping of the cancelation of the payments in the suspense account. If the Datev setup is done correctly this will be automatically.

For the “Auftagsnummer” (95) we use the itechnical internal invoice identifier for both the payment export as the invoice export.

For the “Buchungtyp” (96) we use the “AA” (Angeforderte Anzahlung / Abschlagsrechnung) in case of payment export. We use the “SR” (Schlussrechnung) in case of an invoice.

For the “USt-Schlüssel (Anzahlungen)” (97) we only use this in case of an payment. This is set to 3.

After the export has run you can download the export which is in Datev format (csv) which could be seperated by comma or semicolumns.

Table des matières