How to connect to

Introduction About Pitchup acts as booking agent for the campsites and other service providers advertised on the website

To connect to Pitchup you have to have an Pitchup account.
You have to have setup your accommodations and for each accommodation you have to have added one rate.


Install the app.

For the setup you have to use the API key which is povided in the Pitchup dashboard.

Provide the api key in the settings tab

Save the api key, if the api key is correct the campsite will automatically being added to the main menu.

You can now open the Campsite:
On the campsite level you can connect your Pitchup accommodations to the accommodations.

If you now open the accommodation you can select the rates.
You can deduct a number of available pitches you can send to Pitchup per day with a certain amount.
You can then connect the pitchup rate to a rate configured in

Product Settings

If you added products to Pitchup as extra products you can map these to products so they will get the right ledger number and product id when they are added to the invoice.

When this is setup all prices and availability will be send to in realtime. If you change a rate in the rate table it will be send to pitchup directly. We also try to map the pricing in the age tables to the right age tables in pitchup for the extra persons but cannot guarantee that this will work if the age tables differ to much.

When a booking is made the booking will automatically be added to the system.

If a payment is made or a booking is cancelled we will update the booking. (Beta)

Table des matières