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- Como me conectar ao Keyplan?
- Como me conecto ao Booking.com?
- Como configurar terminais Mollie
- O que posso fazer com o aplicativo Espanha?
- Registro de visitantes Feratel
- Camping.care Aplicativo Datev
- Como se conectar ao Pitchup.com
- Como se conectar ao Feratel
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- Que tipo de status de reserva existem?
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When you finalize an invoice, the invoice will get an invoice number. The invoice number normally is 1 number higher than the last finalized invoice.
However, there are a couple instances where you might have to change the number series:
– You use the accounting year as part of the invoice number.
– You have an accounting system that requires you to use a specific number series.
Setting a new number
You can easily change the next invoice number yourself. Go to Settings -> Invoices -> Settings (or click here when you’re logged in).
There you’ll see the number we’ll assign to the next invoice you’ll finalize:
Simply fill in the number you’d like to use next, and click “Save”:
Now the next invoice you’ll finalize will have this new number.
Criteria for changing
There are only 2 things you have to keep in mind when setting a new invoice series:
– When are you going to finalize your next invoice? Never change the invoice number, if you’re not completely done with the old number series. Invoice numbers can not be changed after finalizing.
– The new number always needs be higher than the old number.
If you change 20240941 to 20250001, this works because 20250001 is a higher number than 20240941.
If you try to change the number 202412345 to 20250001, the old 202412345 will continue to be used. Because 20250001 is 1 digit less and therefore not higher.