Website Integration

Originally written in English, any translations errors should be checked against the original atricle

The first option is a Hosted booking page. With a hosted booking page, the guest is redirected to your personal booking page.

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When you click ´Read more´, you will be taken to the page below. You will see the current link to the booking engine circled in red at the top. This will need to be integrated into your website. On the right-hand side, you can copy the link or click the button to go directly to the booking page.

Screenshot 2023-08-17 14.18.13 (2)

Next, it is possible to customise booking link. If you enter an arrival and departure date, you will see that the hosted booking page link changes. When guests then come to your booking page, these entered dates will be automatically shown.

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The other option is to place the booking website as a kind of widget on the campsite’s website.

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Implementing a widget involves creating a piece of code that you need to place in your website. The piece of code is then the widget. The booking page widget consists of different parts, all of which have their own piece of code. The picture below shows that there are several pieces of code that you need to place on the website.

Screenshot 2023-08-17 14.45.30 (2)

At the bottom of the page, you can change the search & book button. Basically the same as explained above for the other website integration option. If you specify the arrival and departure dates, the widget will automatically show these dates.

For all features and explanations on website integration, please visit this article.

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