How to add and manage rates and prices

Originally written in English, any translations errors should be checked against the original atricle

1. Add prices in the day pricing view

2. Add prices in the periods view

1. Add prices in the day pricing view

Select Prices from main menu:

Add a rate and give it a descriptive name:

Make sure you click on this button to see the day pricing view:

In the day pricing view you can add or modify prices with “update prices”:

There are a few steps to add a price:

1. select the date range this price applies to. if you have set up special dates, you can select them.
2. enter the price per night. It is also possible to set this price to zero, and only charge per person (children/adults)
3. be sure to check the checkbox before the option, before you apply any change.

If you have fixed arrival and departure days in the week (for example mondays and fridays), first add the rate with the correct prices and options. After that reopen “update prices” –> deselect monday and friday –> set “is arrival allowed” and “is departure allowed” to off, and check the ckeckboxes before these two options. After that the price looks like this:

2. Add prices in the periods view

There are two views for adding prices, the periods view and the day pricing view. You can switch between these views here:

Please note: Once a price is set up through a period, you will no longer be able to change it day per day in the day pricing view. That is why we advise you to set prices in the day pricing view.

1. Add a description

2. Select the date range this price applies. As long as the date ranges are not overlapping, you can set multiple date ranges.

3. Enter the price and select if the price applies to the whole period or if the price is per night.

4. If the price is per night you can select the minimum and maximum stay here

5. With the minimum offset you can limit the time a place with this rate can be booked in advance. If you set this to 1, this place can not be booked on the same day of the arrival date.

With the maximum offset you can limit the time this place can be booking before the arrival date.

0 means no limit

6. You can set the price for children and adults here. In accommodations –> settings you can set how many people are included in the price.

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