
Go to settings -> Online Booking -> Analytics to setup your Google GA4 or GTM tracking. By adding the GA4 code or the GTM code we ail automatically track your online booking engine. We wil also measure E-Commerce tracking.

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E-Commerce tracking

For E-Commerce tracking we use the GA4 standard. Information about this can be found here:

We’ll track the following events:

  • view_item_list
  • view_item
  • add_to_cart
  • begin_checkout
  • add_shipping_inf
  • add_payment_info
  • purchase

Multidomain tracking

By sending the _gl parameter with your booking link you can activate the multi domain tracking for analytics / AdWords. More information about the implementation of multidomain tracking can be found here:

Extra data layer events

We have added some custom data layer events to track even more than the default GA e-Commerce events.

These are:

  • init_administration – With information about the camping or hotel
  • select_item – If you select an accommodation
  • add_to_cart_extra – With extra data about the accommodation and the price
  • purchase_reservation – With extra data about the purchase. Like reservation info.
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