Online booking

Originally written in English, any translations errors should be checked against the original atricle

The first option for managing the branding of online booking is to add a logo. This is the logo that will appear at the top of the booking page.

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It is also possible to change the colours of your booking engine. Under ´Primary colour´ you can change the colour of the boxes and the colour of the text. Under ´Background colour´ you can change the colour of the background.

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It is possible to change the banner in the booking page. In the image below, circled in red is where the banner can be modified or removed.

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Besides the standard customisations such as colours and images, you can also personalise the layout of Booking Lane in a slightly more advanced way. Using HTML and CSS, you can go much further in customising the layout. For more explanations and information on using HTML and CSS, click here.

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