
Originally written in English, any translations errors should be checked against the original atricle

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By clicking on ´Add product´, you can search for a product in the system. Here you can search for products that have already been added to the system.

It is possible to customise the products and add conditions. On the image circled in red below, you can see that the yellow button allows you to add conditions to the product. These conditions are the same as for discounts and options. All possible conditions are explained in another article. Click here to go to the article.

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At the top right, you will see two icons. Here you can add extra settings to the product. the icon of the bin means you can delete the product. The arrow to flips open the additional settings. The additional settings that you flip open are the same as for discounts and options. These settings are explained in the options article. To go to that article, you can click here.

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Table of Contents