
Originally written in English, any translations errors should be checked against the original atricle

  • How do widgets work?
  • What types of widgets are there?

Schermafbeelding 2022-10-02 om 10.04.52

How do widgets work?

Camping.care will provide information to the widget from the sandboxed environment with get parameters. Depending on the widget type the system will provide different parameters.

If the widget is loaded in the backend we will provide a auth token so the widget can login to the camping.care system. For more information about logging in with an auth token you can take a look at our authenticate section.

If the widget is loaded in the reservation area we also will provide information about the reservation itself

For example: If your widget is running on https://example.com/app/widgets/reservation the system will automticalle add some parameters. The widget will be sanboxed loaded like this: https://example.com/app/widgets/reservation?token={a secret auth token}&reservation_id=12345


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