Adding guests

Originally written in English, any translations errors should be checked against the original article.

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Clicking on´Guests´ on the main page will take you to a list of all the contact details of the guests in the system. To add a guest, click the ´Add guest´ button.

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First, enter the first and last name of the new contact.

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Then you fill in the rest of the guest’s information. The image below shows which information of the guest can be filled in.

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You can also fill in additional guest fields if necessary. You can see which ones in the image below. At the bottom under ´Custom fields´ you can see the fields you can customise yourself. Click here, for more information on adding ‘custom fields’.

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On the right-hand side are a number of options to continue working from the contact. For example, under ´Quick links´ you can start a reservation from the contact. For more information on making a reservation, click here.

It is also possible to disable all e-mail traffic for a particular contact.

You can add tags to contacts for easy filtering when creating reports. For more information on adding and managing tags, click here.

Finally, at the bottom you can use the red ‘Delete guest’ button to remove the contact from the system.

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At the top, you will see several tabs. Above, the ´Information´ tab is explained. All other tabs are briefly explained below:

  • Reservations: Here you can see all reservations sense the system made with this contact
  • Invoices: Here you can see all invoices linked to this contact
  • Payments: Here you can see all payments made by this contact.

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It is also possible to add different conditions and to generate a report from this tab.

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