What kind of reservation statuses are there?

Originally written in English, any translations errors should be checked against the original atricle

#value are the values of this status in the API. 

Draft (#draft)

This status is phased out in the v2 Starfish version. It means that the reservation is not complete and needs additional information.

Option (#option)

The reservation has been in option. This can be permanent or the reservation can get (automaticly) canceled after an x amount of days.

Pending (#pending)

If a reservation has been made and it was not automaticly confirmed it get’s the status pending. These reservations should be confirmed by the camping owner itself. 

Confirmed (#confirmed)

This means the reservation has been confirmed to the guest.

Checked-in (#checkedin)

This means the guest has been checked-in and has been arrived.

Checked-out (#checkedout)

This means the guest has been checked-out and left the property.

Blocked (#blocked)

This is a blocker and does not contain guest or billing information.

Cancelled (#cancelled)

The reservation has been cancelled but is still visible in the system. This reservation does not block any availability anymore. 

Deleted (#deleted)

This reservation has been deleted permanently.


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