
Originally written in English, any translations errors should be checked against the original atricle

The picture below shows where the settings can be found. Press the cogwheel on the top right. This takes you to a page with all sorts of settings tabs.



1. Information & Fields
2. Users
3. Tags
4. Special dates

1. Information & Fields

After pressing the cogwheel, you will reach all possible settings. In this article, we will only discuss the items in the image below. We will start with the heading ‘information’.

Screenshot 2022-08-11 09.59.37 (1)


Under this heading, general information about the park can be set. Like a description, address details, contact details etc. You can see it on the picture below.

Screenshot 2022-08-11 10.50.46


All information about fields and form setup, can be found in the article “How do custom fields work?” You can go to the article by clicking here.




2. Users

In this paragraph, the tab ´Users´ will be discussed. The users are all persons who have access to the system. The image below shows an example of the users of a campsite. 

Screenshot 2022-08-11 12.39.42

At the bottom of the page, you will find a purple button with the text ´add user´. If you click on this button, you can invite a new guest to have access to the system. The picture below shows the information that needs to be entered to invite a new guest.

Screenshot 2022-08-11 12.51.49


3. Tags

Under the heading ´Tags´ you can view and remove existing tags, and you can also create new ones. As you can see in the picture below, you can type in the desired tag and then click on ´add´. This tag will then be added to the rest. 

Screenshot 2022-08-11 13.14.22 (1)


4. Special dates

The heading ‘special dates’ is not described in this chapter. This is already explained in another article. Click here to go to the article.

Table of Contents