
Originally written in English, any translations errors should be checked against the original atricle

A deal can be connected to an accommodation in the same way you connect a product. So the deal can be a discount, tax or an option. A deal can be recognised by this icon. handshake-outline-1

To create deals go to: Home -> Deals

Scherm­afbeelding 2023-11-21 om 16.49.55

Important! A deal can only be applied once per period. So if you have multiple deals active in the same period, we will only take the one with the highest priority.

If you edit a deal you will find a similar screen then when you edit a product. The difference is that a deal can contain multiple products. An example can be found here.

Scherm­afbeelding 2023-11-21 om 17.03.23

A product calculated by night

If you add a product that is calculated by night, it will be calculated based on the number of nights the customer stays.

A free product

If the product has been chosen by the guest, they will get one or more of these products for free.

A product with a fixed amount

You can add a goody bag or a breakfast, these products will be added to the reservation. With ‘amount’ you can determine how many of these products are included.

What does the customer see?

The customer will only see the total price of the package. In the backoffice you are able to edit all the separated products on the invoice.

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