
Originally written in English, any translations errors should be checked against the original atricle

In the e-mail setting you can make default e-mail templates. E-mail templates can be used for reservation confirmations, payment notifications etc. Add an e-mail, give it a name and click “edit”:

You can use the buttons “guest” and “reservation” to automatically add personalised  information to the e-mail subject and the e-mail body:

After the template is setup you can send a test e-mail to you own address. After you click “Send test E-mail” you will be asked to select a reservation from the list. After you click on “send” a test e-mail will be sent to your e-mailaddress:

Is the e-mail template setup correctly? You can automatically send this e-mail confirmation after a reservation is made by using Workflows:

For an e-mail confirmation click on “reservation created”, and choose a descriptive name like “Reservation confirmation”:

Click on “Edit workflow”, and don’t forget to enable the workflow after everything is setup:

Click on the icon and select “Send mail”:

Select your e-mail template and add the workflow:

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