Easy Secure App

Originally written in English, any translations errors should be checked against the original atricle

Installing the Easy Secure App:

  • Login to your Camping.care account and go to the App Store.
  • Find the Easy Secure App in the list and click on it.
  • Click on the install button in the top right corner and click install again.

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The Settings page:

On this page you can put your Easy Secure credentials so Camping Care can connect to Easy Secure.

Please make sure the following fields are filled in correctly:

  • API url: The link to the API of Easy Secure.
  • Security Key: This is a key used to communicate with Easy Secure.

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The Logs page:

On this page, you will be able to access and review all the logs provided by the app.

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The Reservation Widget:

After the app is installed it also creates a widget. When you open a reservation it now has an extra tab that looks like this:

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In the reservation widget, you will find a table displaying all the Easy Secure users associated with this reservation. If you have installed the app after the reservation was made or if there are any missing guests, simply click on the ‘Synchronize’ button to update the information.

Using the app:

After installation and filling in the settings the app is ready to be used and listens to these events:

  • Reservation created: When a new reservation is created the app send the guests information to Easy Secure.
  • Reservation date changed: When the reservations arrival or departure date is changed the app sends the change to Easy Secure.
  • Co traveler added: When a co traveler is added to the reservation it will be added to Easy Secure.
  • Co traveler deleted: When a co traveler is deleted from the reservation it will be deleted from Easy Secure.

If you want to add older reservations to Easy Secure you can navigate to that reservation and go to the Easy Secure tab. Click on the ‘Synchronize’ button to add the reservation to Easy Secure.

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