Filter bar

Originally written in English, any translations errors should be checked against the original atricle

1. Special dates
2. By date
3. Accommodation
4. Tags (premium)
5. Place


There are various ways to search for reservations or specific periods within the schedule board. This article will provide an explanation of these different options.

1. Special dates

To enhance the clarity of the overview, you have the option to include special dates. These dates can include holidays such as Easter or Christmas. You can easily add these dates in the settings section. For more detailed information on how to do this, please refer to article 15.1.5.


2. By date

If you want to find reservations for a specific period on the schedule board, simply select the desired date. The schedule board will then display all reservations for that specific date.


3. Accommodation

If you prefer to view a particular accommodation on the schedule board, you have the option to select it under the “accommodation” section. Additionally, you can choose to view multiple accommodations simultaneously. 


4. Tags

This feature is available for Premium users. You have the ability to add a tag to each place. To do this, refer to the instructions in article 6.2.8. For example, you can tag a place as “next to the water.” By selecting a tag, only places with that specific tag will be displayed on the schedule board.


5. Place

If you are trying to find a specific place on the schedule board, you can easily search for it using the search feature. Simply enter the name or number related to the place you are looking for, and the schedule board will display all the reservations associated with that specific place. This is particularly useful if you have a large number of accommodations and need to quickly locate a specific one. The search feature saves you time and helps you efficiently manage your reservations.

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