How to set up the Mollie app?

Originally written in English, any translations errors should be checked against the original atricle


In order to make the payments work on the guest page. Make sure you activate the V1 redirect to V2. This can be done here: settings -> Online Booking -> Settings

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  • Login to your account and go to the app store and find the Mollie app. Open it and install the app. 
  • Once you have installed the app you are able to hit the blue button and connect with Mollie. 
  • Now you are redirected to Mollie 
  • They will ask you to grand permission to work with your account.
  • Click on Connect and you will be redirected back to Now Mollie is connected

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Select the right profile where the payments needs to go to. 


Activate test modes only when you want to make test payments. Once activated the payments you make are not real payments and should be deleted after testing.

Disconnect Mollie

Remove the connection with Mollie. In this case we will keep the Logs and Payment history.


Application logs will be stored here. This is for developers only, logs can be tecnical. 


We log recent payments. Here you can view the status of all payment attemps and see if anything went wrong. 


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