Interactive map

Originally written in English, any translations errors should be checked against the original atricle

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At the top left, you can enter a start and end date. This is to see which places are available in the period entered. In addition, you can print out the map with the available spots for that date. It is also possible to add a special period so you don’t have to enter the dates manually. For more information on setting the special period, click here.

As you can see from the image below, this is the view mode.

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The second step is the ´Add´ mode. This allows you to place markers on the map. Each purple dot is a marker.

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Then, in the ´Edit´ mode, you can connect the markers with the pitches in your system. To learn more about setting and naming camping pitches click here.

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The image below shows that we are in ´Delete´ mode. Here, simply by clicking on a red marker on the cross, you can delete a marker.

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By clicking ´Remove map´ in the top right, you can remove the entire map from the system. Clicking on the question mark next to it will take you to this article.

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