
Originally written in English, any translations errors should be checked against the original atricle

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By clicking on the purple ´Add place´ button, you can add places to the accommodation. You then indicate how many places you want to add.

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Once all places have been added to the accommodation, you can still make changes to the settings of the places. On the left-hand side, there are boxes you can tick to select several places at once. Clicking on the top box will select all places.

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It is also possible to put the places in order. If the places are not in order, you can click with your mouse on the dots under the heading ´Move´. This allows you to move a desired place up or down.

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Under the ´Name´ heading, you can give each place a name. The interactive map will show these names. For example, you can number the places, but you can also put initials of a particular name of a field in front of it.

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Under the heading status, you can turn places on and off for online booking. When the slider is purple, meaning it is on, this place is bookable online. When the slider is grey, meaning it is off, this place cannot be booked online. This place can always be booked in the back office, even if the slider is switched off.

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In addition, under the ‘Edit’ heading there is a pencil icon next to each place. Clicking on this will allow you to edit data for the specific place.

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When editing the place, you can add a photo of the specific place. When guests then choose a place in the booking engine via the interactive map, the photo will be there to give a good idea of what the exact place looks like.

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It is possible to add tags to specific places. For example, guests can see what makes this place unique. As an example, the place in the picture below has shading with it. You can also easily filter places yourself when adding tags. To read more about adding tags, click here.

With the slider under the tag, you can make this place online bookable again. The same as already described above.

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Finally, you can use the bin icon on the far right to delete the a specific place from the system.

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