
Originally written in English, any translations errors should be checked against the original atricle

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To add a rate click under ´Add rate´ on the ´Rates´ button. You can then choose from the rates that have already been created previously or create a new one.

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Then click one of the rates. On the image below, I use the Night rate Comfort pitch as an example. This price is now linked to the ‘comfort pitch’ accommodation.

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Once the price is linked to the accommodation, you can also add certain conditions to this price.

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These conditions allow you to determine whether or not this rate is valid for certain booking channels. In the picture below, you can see that you can toggle between ´Apply to´ and ´Exclude´. With Apply to, you set that this rate does apply to the chosen channel and discount card.

When you click Exclude, the chosen booking channel and/or discount card will be excluded from this rate. On the image below, this is circled in red.

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For channels, I have chosen backoffice as an example. So this means that this rate is only valid for reservations made from the backoffice. See image below.

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If the condition appears as a yellow button as shown in the images below, it means it has been added correctly.

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Finally, you will see two more icons at the top right. If you click on the left icon with the arrow, you will be taken to the rates table. There you can adjust the rates. .

The icon of the bin speaks for itself. It allows you to delete the rate.

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