What can i do with the Spain app?

Originally written in English, any translations errors should be checked against the original article

How to create an ‘Police’ export

For this to work, you need an account and administration on our platform


1. Go to the App Store and install the Spain App.

2. After installing the Spain app, you will find 2 extra fields for in your guest view.

  • Fecha de expedición del documento de identidad – This is the document date
  • Tipo de documento de identidad – This is the document type

3. Add your Hotel ID and the next file number to the app

4. Get all the reservation from an arrival date

5. The script will detect if you have all the needed information for generating the file. If not, we will list errors so you know what is missing.

6. You can de-select any data you don’t want to export.

7. If there are no errors in your selection, the Download button will appear and you are able to download the file.

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