What kind of online booking options do you provide?

Originally written in English, any translations errors should be checked against the original atricle

​1. Hosted Booking engine

2. Booking by API

3. Use the Camping.care CMS

4. Booking widgets

There are multiple integrations possible with our software. I have set all pro’s and cons for you:

​1. Hosted Booking engine

Most of our campsites use the hosted search and book module. This has many advantages such as:
1. No distraction on the website, the guest is totally focussed on one thing: Making a booking.
2. The module is totally optimized for Mobile Phones. We see that more and more people are making bookings online and paying online. We are continously optimising this experience.
3. If something goes wrong there won’t be a discussion between the webdeveloper and Camping.care to know who is responsible for the error, it will be the booking engine of Camping.care.
4. The integration is very easy.
If you want to read more about this integration you can find it here: https://app.camping.care/settings/onlinebooking/integration

2. Booking by API

You can also create a integration with our API, you can integrate our system seamlessly into your website with your own look and feel. This is a great solution but will cost some extra time to integrate. The website developer probably would have to make an offer for this.

3. Use the Camping.care CMS

New! From now on we also develop websites for campings. We have developped a CMS to manage your website and booking engine. The website is totally focused on making bookings.
You can manage your conent and the CMS is optimized for speed, SEO and great user experience.
Need more information? We can schedule a meeting with you.

4. Booking widgets

Widgets will influence the user experience in a negative way. So they are not advised by us.

We developed a number of widgets which can be implemented in your website, including one to make a booking.
We advise against this option because of the following reasons:
  1. On a mobile device the user experience is not that good
  2. If something goes wrong it is often not clear who is responsible for the faillure. This could be the webdevelor or it could be Camping.care. It can take extra time to solve an issue.
  3. The conversion would probably be lower than the options above
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