Come posso creare i miei report?

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In each list view (Reservations, Invoices, Contacts, Payments) there are possibilities to create a custom report. 

The reports has 2 parts:

  • Filter
  • Column Selection


You can add filters to each list view they can be found at the top of each list.This can be based on:

  • The type of period (blue) and 
  • the filter (yellow). 
  • Also there are some fast filter parametes for the status


Depending on the list there are different filter possibilities available. For example, in the reservations view you can filter on accommodation type, this filter is not available in the contact filter.

Some really powerfull filtering options are based on a product or on a tag. These can help you create custom product lists for example if a specific product is booked in the reservation

Column selection

The columns can be configured using the column selection, you can choose different kinds of colums, depending on the listview this can be reservation date, contact data, co-traveler data or invoice data.

By selecting the columns the columns on the list views will change.

The product columns can be very powerfull, you can exactly see how many products are added to the booking. This can come in very handy for towel reports etc


Saving (Premium feature)

After creating your custom report by adding the filter and selecting the columns you can save your custom report.


By giving the report a name it will be added to tabs of the reports. You can now open your custom report every time. The reports are user based so each user will only have it’s own reports available. 

It is possible to share your custom reports with other users. If you want to know more about this you can read Questo articolo
