How do I connect to Keyplan?

Originally written in English, any translations errors should be checked against the original atricle

  • You can install the app and accept the scopes the app needs.
  • You can go to settings and provide the credentials you got from Keyplan.
  • If your credentials are correct, the system will automatically synchronise all available places (from all accommodations) to your Keyplan Interface.In Keyplan, a Location and Object Group with the name of your campsite will automatically be generated. All Places From will automatically be added to the Location and Object Group

    This procedure can take a while, it is depending on the number of places which are available in your park.

If you add or remove places from they will automatically be removed or added to the Objects of Keyplan, this way the Objects and Places will stay in sync.

You can also start a new sync by saving your credentials again.

  • If the synchronisation is succesfull you will be able to map the available Keyplan products to Products by hitting the products at the right top
  • After mapping and saving the products, all products will be added to Keyplan if a reservation is created, or a recalculation has been done

A synchronisation will not happen if you add a product to the invoice manually, the system can only handle direct mapping of product using the price calculation, if you want to add a product to a reservation you have to do this by recalculating the booking and adding an option/product

There are 2 types of syncs:

  • Reservation Sync
  • Places sync

Reservation Sync: There are different ways a synchronisation happens:

  • New Reservation: Adds a reservation to Keyplan
  • Change in duration of a Reservation: Updates the reservation in Keyplan
  • Removing a place: Removes the booking from Keyplan
  • Adding a new place to a booking: Adds a booking to Keyplan
  •  Updating a place to a booking: Updates the reservation in Keyplan
  • Recalculation a reservation: Updates the reservation in Keyplan

Places Sync:

  • When a place is added a new Object will be added to Keyplan
  • When a place is deleted the Object will be deleted in Keyplan
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